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교육 ( 정보 & 초중고 기출)

Lying is also a psychological technique.

by llolloolloll 2021. 10. 19.



To set off on a long journey, the Liar Pig made an oath to the gods and begged.


" Please, give me money to travel, and I will give you half of whatever I find on the way."


Shortly after praying like this, there was an expense. Then, druring the trip, I picked up a bag on the road, which contained some almond berries and some date palms.

The liar pig broke it up and ate it up, then took the skin and seeds and offered it to the altar.


"God, as I swear, I give you half the husks and seeds of what I have found."


I did this and went to sleep. When I woke uo in the morning, the old money in my bag was gone. Thin lies harm themselves. Because lies are immediately visible.


Hitler, who started World War II and killed the Jews, was very good at lying. Hitler was able to lie so well because he knew the public mind. He couln't deceive people otherwise. Hitler used this clever psychological technique to lead many people in public speeches. it must be, but there is a certain element. People are more easily deceived by big lies than by small lies." asserted.

Hitler's words are quite convincing. People are not easily deceived by small lies, but they are easily deceived by thinking that a big lie cannot be a lie at all. Because a lie that is too big is very diffcult to verify. But little lies are easy to verify. Therefore, people usually persuade others by telling big lies.


Even with loved ones, it is easier to tell a lie that is not easily understood than a lie that can be caught right away. For example, when you are going on a long trip with a woman you love, you say, " I will never touch you. I just want to be with you, so you don't have to worry too much." After saying this and leaving for a trip, you will be caught in a few hours. But they will say sweet things like " I love you, I love you so much. " This word really can't be caught. It is said that if a person does not speak the words of his heart, even the demons do not know. However, you shouldn't use such clever tricks with loved ones. Here, only an example is given to aid understanding. You are not the type of person who uses such subtle tricks on the person you love.


In any case, such big lies can be found countless time. If you look not noly in Hitler but also in history, you will find countless materials. This can be seen by recaling the well-known 'dam of peace'. And Napoleon also deceived the people with big lies. It was during Napoleon's expedition to ltaly. As he crossed the Alps and the soldiers fell from exhaustion and hunger, he said to them.


"Gentlemen! I am tired and hungry now, but I wil guide you to the most blessed land. Food, clothes, women, etc. Everything you want is there. Let's hurry to the blessed land."


The soldiers, who were dying of exhaustion, overcame the pain and crossed the Alps. They saved their lives because of a big lie. In Oh Henry's novel 'The Last Leaf', a lie saved the girl's life.

A big lie is more persuasive than a small lie. If you apply this principle to your own success, you should make big promises to yourself, not small ones.

When I was young, my parents said, " You will be a great person because you were born with a dragon dream. " When I heat that, even though it may be a lie, I try to believe it.

Because she thinks she's going to be a great person. Who wouldn't want to be a great person? And there are many good examples of people born with great taemongs.


If you do not have such a wonderful taemong or a wonderful story that your parents made for you, it is useful to make a wonderful lie to yourself and use it as your taemong.

That lie can change you for the better. To change you, you have to change your mind. To do that, telling a very nice lie to yourself can have a good effect. This is the magic of the psychology of lies. Psychology plays such a wonderful role.


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