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Go crazy with work for tomorrow.

by llolloolloll 2021. 10. 21.


There was a man named Luan.


As soon as he died, he knew he was in the place he had dreamed of. As I was looking around, a man in a white robe approached me. And he spoke to Luan.

"From now on, you can do whatever you want."

Luan felt so good. In the meantime, he was tired of work, and he always wanted to play and eat. So Luan wanted what he wanted to eat, where he wanted to live, and a beautiful woman.

A man in white had a smile on his lips and he spoke.

"You will soon be."


All the things that Luan really wanted were revealed. He spent his time like that. Time passed like a dream. It had been such a sweet day. But gradually it started to get boring. I couldn't stand it any longer. It was very painful. So Luan cried out. Hearing Luan's voice, a man in white appeared. Luan grabbed the white man's sleeve and craved it.

"I've already done everything I wanted to do. Please give me a job."

Hearing Luan's words, the man in white was smiling.

"Please, please. I want to make myself feel useful."

"But there is nothing to do here."

"Then send me to hell."



If you are looking for a better place than yours, there is only one way. do the job! And get to work! Otherwise, if you play the lottery in hopes of good luck, or if you snoop around the gambling hall, your tomorrow is never there. On the contrary, it will become more difficult for you.

You are well aware of this. But you might say that you can't focus on your work. You need to carefylly examine why you can't concentrate. If you try to get rich overnight without trying, you are a thief. Is there anything free in the world? No matter how much I look around.


Your only way out is to work hard and fly. If you work hard, your distractions will disappear and you will receive the gift of a bonus that you never even thought of. The bonus here isn't the bag of money the salespeople get quarterly. It means that you will receive a bonus of life, a bonus of life. You shouldn't work in hopes of such a bonus. Then you don't want to work like you're on a bitter pill. However, if you play a game or sport you like, you will be immersed in it without realizing it, and you will experience a state of pleasure and happiness without noticing the passage of time and not recognizing the changes in your surroundings. That's exactly what the job should be. You don't even notice the passing of time, you have to have fun and have fun. That way, your efficiency will increase, and you will get a bonus in life and a bonus in life.


So, does this kind of immersion happen only in hobbies or sports? Not like that. It also happens at work. Some people become so engrossed in their work that they forget the passage of time and also have fun. If we can reveal the elements of how immersion occurs, many people can focus on work and study, which is very helpful for producytivity improvement and personal development. In a word, work is psychology. In order to be immersed, you must have a clear goal. You have to think that if you work hard today, the time to reach your goal will be shorter. These thoughts change your psychology positively. Positive thoughts lead to immersion in work.


If not, it's a good idea to get advice that will help you focus on your work. There are plenty of tips on immersion. But it should be the right advice for you.

To make it easier for you to immerse yourself in your work,


First, the goal should be clear and the results of actions should be immediately visible and verifiable. Think about the theings you have experienced so far. If the goals of actions such as Go, chess, and Go-Stop were clear, the results of actions would have appeared immediately. If you want your juniors to work hard, you need to set goals clearly and give praise for the results as soon as you achieve them. In particular, it is very good to reward and praise the performance immediately.


Second, you must have skills. A person learning billiards begins to fall in love with billiards when it reaches 200, and when lying down and looking at the ceiling, they experience the phenomenon of billiard balls moving back and forth fromm the ceiling. In addition to billiards, other sports are not very fun at first, but once you have some skill, you will experience immersion without knowing it.

Therefore, as well as yourself, if your colleagues or juniors lack the ability, you need to develop the ability to some extent. Otherwise, if you are a beginner who is not good at work, it is difficulf to feel fun or immerse yourself in your work.


Third, the abiliy and the given task must be balanced. If 200 billiards is played with 30 billiards or professional golf is played with amateur golf, it is difficult to expect a sense of accomplishment and immersion, So, if you want yourself or your co-wokers to go crazy with your, work, you need to find assignments that match your abilities. A task that is a little higher than one's ability is the most immersive.


If you use these thrss things to do what you're doing or to guide your juniors, time will fly by as if you're in a fun game and you'll get success and happiness in return for increased productivity. In this way, your future will be much richer than you ever wanted.

